Thursday, December 5, 2013

Almost 30

On the eve of my 30th birthday I sit here thinking of where I am and who I've become. I can tell you that 5 years ago when I thought about where I would be today this is not what I imagined. I thought I would have been married and maybe with another kid or two. However, I wouldn't change what has happened for anything in the world. In the last 5 years I was engaged twice (to the same idiot), I was a nanny,then I was unemployed, I got back into the mortgage industry, I moved on my own (really on my own), I dated a bunch of asses until I finally found my Prince Charming, I've failed at a lot of things and I've also done great at other things. 
So no I'm not exactly where I thought I would be but I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. I'm happy as can be with my life and I can't wait to see what happens next. 

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Sunday, April 21, 2013

When will Cinderella get the day off?

Holy sh*t! My life is a constant roller coaster. I'm always on the move, as a single mom I do EVERYTHING. I work full time, spend 5 hrs a week in a dance studio for lily,I'm raising a 10 yr old girl, I work out and as if that's not enough I have to keep a 2 bedroom apt from turning into a pig sty. Perhaps some organization would help but who the hell has one for that?!?! I would like to know who wants to cook and clean for me so I can take the day off?